Wednesday, February 26, 2014



Over the years I have slowly acquired a couple of cases that are now filled with "Marshal Badges."

These are not the Marshal's made famous in the old cowboy movies. No Wyatt Earp Badge in my collection. In fact I can't put a name to anyone who wore one of these items.

The fact is New Jersey had an officer of the law designated to maintain order and peace prior to the establishment of the local police force. 

Over the next month or so I will display all my Marshal Badges. These are in some kind of alphabetical order (I took liberties as the number of badges grew). Who knows, someday I will fix this.

For now, and pictured above, is my first Badge. It is from BOGOTA. This is a northern NJ community.  Needless to say it is in the back pocket of NYC.

The second item pictured here, and a similar design, is from CALDWELL. This town is in Essex County. It is a suburban community, and there is a bus to "The Big Apple" if for any reason, one wants to get there. I don't. 

CARLSTADT is the third item pictured. This too is a northern Jersey location. Like the other communities it is in the vicinity of that big village across the Hudson River. The badge too has a similar design as the other two items displayed above.. All three of these antique items use the State Seal in the center.

The last badge in this article is Chatham. That was my home town (Borough) for 29 years. This badge really looks like something out of the Red Ryder Films of my youth, however when I was a kid it was probably being retired as a Marshal Badge giving way to the new Police Officer Shield.  It is circular with that Texas Star in the center. 

I am trying to learn more about these early Marshals and how they were used in the Garden State. If you know anything about them, or have one to sell, contact me at the address listed in this blog.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Titusville bills their Police Badge and Patch show as the "Space Coast Annual Police Collectors Show (29 years)". Steve and Karen Bridges are the Show Sponsors. Joining them at the Show this year was their Grandson, Micah. He sure looks happy, and has a lot of patches to study. 

The Bridges know "badges and patches" quite well.  They also know about our Government Rockets that get blasted into Space carrying Satellites into orbit. By the end of the show this writer was in Orbit.

I used to work with Rockets. I designed the I.O.B.M. That means Into the Ocean by Mistake. Collecting Badges for forty-five years has been no mistake, either for me, or the fine group of men who attended this Show on January 25.

It looked like a sellout. I observed that a couple of collectors brought their wives. I soon learned that they, like my wife Lois, were there to guard the table. They did a great job, but certainly had their own perspective on our hobby. While the guys did the badge and patch stuff,  the ladies shared their stories and certainly  (I suspect) enjoyed their day too.

The best part of the show was walking around the tables and seeing old friends, or meeting somebody new. With the wife watching  my table (sold a few badges for me too) I was able to stroll around for a couple of hours (Can't believe my legs held out that long).

Now this really cool leather badge was on display. It is owned by Hu  Freels. He has a dynamite exhibit, and it was no surprise to hear his name called at the end of the Show as  Best Overall Winner. His display is, in a word, huge.


As I wandered some more I ran into John Holmes, Rick Amos, Sam Goldstein and Chad Harris. They each had  fabulous badges and patches on display and for sale. I got hooked into buying something from Chad when he flashed that big smile of his that seems to say "gotcha." Now I think the wife is mad at me again. She just wants me to sell them. With the cash she took in I was able to exchange it quickly for a nice "Policeman Statue,"  and some "Matchbox Cars" for my Grandsons.

Around by the back door I saw Doug Sarubbi. He is always around with his lovely daughter, Megan, who helps out year after year. She knows these items, and their value too. Again, it was no surprise to hear Doug's name called as Best Patch Display Winner.

The nice surprise for me was hearing my name   called as out as Best Badge Display Winner. My display is pictured below. The Award was appreciated, as were the Memories from this fine Show.