Wednesday, November 18, 2009


"ORANGE" is the name of another City in NJ. I have a couple of badges from this City, but no recollection as to how I got so lucky to get them. I hope the memory loss is not a sign of the onset of Alzheimer's

I do remember the City of Orange quite well. The City is the size of a postage stamp, and is cut in half by Interstate 280. I'd like to say that this community is a quiet suburban town, but that would be a huge stretch of the imagination.

This City was a fun town: They had a bar on almost every corner. At one time Rheingold Brewery was located there - right next to the Interstate. The beer was decent, but the Miss Rheingold Contest's were great. Those are pleasant memories.

I guess it was a good 40 years ago that I visited some night spots in Orange. One joint was said to be frequented by "Two Ton" Tony Galento. He was a boxer and a colorful guy. In the 1940's, into the 50's, he owned a bar in this City. Later he was a bar tender and a community hero. He was still a legend in the 60's when I was just learning about "whiskey and women."

Galento fought Joe Louis, and boasted before the fight that: "I'll moider da bum." He became pretty famous for that line. He also became a legend for knocking Louis off his feet. Despite that famous knockdown, Galento lost the fight.

As a boxer he had a style that has been reported to make "Mike Tyson look like Lord of the Princes." Tony Galento could have been the SWAT Team if he were a Cop. That brings me back to the badges from Orange in my City Collection.

Looking in the case where the majority of my "City Collection" is housed, there is an old traditional style "Officer's Badge" from Orange, N.J. It is in excellent condition, and carries the number 80 in the lower panel. The top panels are marked: "City of Orange" followed by "Police." I also have a Lieutenant's badge that is a real relic. This one is in pretty good condition. The paint in the letters is somewhat worn. The State Seal was placed in the center of the badge prior to plating. The overall finish is still very good.

As noted above I don't recall how I obtained this badge. I am very happy to have it, along with some good memories relating to this City. I am also glad that I no longer think I am in the early stages of Alzheimer's.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


E IS FOR EAST ORANGE. It sounds like it should be an orange grove in my Naples, Fl. backyard.

It isn't an orange grove, and it isn't in my backyard! This is a Major City in New Jersey, and one of the twenty City badges in the collection pictured above. Old number 50 is number four in the top row.

Back to Oranges - The City of East Orange is one of four municipalities, all in Essex County, bordering on each other and having "Orange" in its' name. Two, Orange and East Orange, are Cities. My birth certificate says I was born in E.O. at the General Hospital some 100 years ago - maybe a little less. I guess that makes me a native son.

A number of my relatives were born and raised in this City. One worked in the Tax Collectors Office. The other was cop. His name was Sam. He was a jovial guy who loved his job. It was said that, even after he retired he walked his beat. At least he did at Christmas time. That's dedication. I wish I had his old badge, but it's M.I.A.

This City has a population of just under 70,000. It is know as the "Cross Roads of New Jersey." It had that name long before the Garden State Parkway crossed Interstate 280. The County probation department, where I worked, had an office in this area (9th and Grove).

Thinking about that area I recall one of the officers, who worked for me, in that old office. He was an Italian kid. I called him Geronimo because he had a bow and arrow in his vehicle. One midnight he decided to test his skill by shooting arrows into an abandoned apartment building across the street from our office. I think he was sending a message, but I never got his point. Today that incident is just a great memory.

I have a couple of nice badges from this City. One is an officer's shield and the second is a detectives badge. I have had them a good 40 years, and they were old when I got them.

The Officer's badge is a real nice traditional shape item. It is nickle plated and in good condition for its' age. It simply reads: "East Orange - Police." In the center are the applied numbers 50. These numbers may not have been the originals. There is discoloration on them and also on the badge around them.

The second badge is housed in an other display I have. It is the same shape as the New York Captain's shield. This one is in very good condition. It is gold finish with blue letters spelling out: East Orange, Police, Detective. In the center is the N.J. State Seal in a circle of blue.

Both of these items have a fine home under glass in my home. When I see them they always bring back some very special memories of relatives and that kid I called Geronimo.