Saturday, June 22, 2013



This is number 36, and "V" for Verona. Specifically it is the 36th distinct community in my Municipal Collection in alphabetical order.

Verona is a small suburban community in Essex County, NJ. It is maybe ten miles from Newark having three communities in between. It is a nice place to live.

The County has a park in the town which is quite nice.You used to be able to rent  little boats  and spend some time on the water. It was a good Park to pull in and grab your lunch.

Just across from the Park is/was a diner. It was owned by the parents of singer Connie Francis. I never had lunch with her. That is my loss, as she certainly was a popular person back in the day.

Her brother, George Franconero, was the victim of a hit in 1981. At the time he was cooperating with Federal Authorities in an organized crime probe. He was also involved in a Bank that went under in my town (Borough to be precise).

The  shooting had a serious impact on the singer. She retreated from public appearances, and took a step out of the limelight. Reportedly she left the area and moved to Florida staying off the radar for years. 

Back home in Verona there are a few people less then 14,000 calling the Township home. I wonder if they even know the name Connie Francis. In terms of land area we are talking about less than three square miles.

The antique badge shown here is from a collector in New England. It came my way a couple of years ago, and I am very glad to have it.

It is what I call the "Traditional Shape" badge that I desire in my collection of New Jersey Municipal items. This one is the two panel shell. In the panels are the words: Verona Police.  

At the bottom of the nickle plated badge is a number box with the number 25 affixed to it in large numerals.

In the center of the shield is a State Seal that was stamped from the rear. Next to it are two letters: "N" and "J."

Certainly this is a good fit in my Municipal Collection. I have it with all the others in a huge display case that contains my keepers, and of course  some fine memories.

Monday, June 10, 2013



This is number 35 in alpha-community order.

This is "T" for the Municipality of Teterboro. It is in Bergen County and is one of the smallest communities in the State. The actual number is under one hundred. Serious questions exist as to why this place exists as a legal incorporated community, but it is there and on the map. 

An investment banker purchased the land in the early 1900's in order to build a race track. His name was Walter Teter. The community put this name on the books in the 1940's.

I know nothing about the race track, but do know that there is an airport that also carries the name Teterboro. You may have heard it too. It is  used by those small big money corporate jets that we frequently read about. It is one of the Country's busiest airports believe it or not.That is based on take offs and landings. It is also the home of the National Aviation Museum.

The airport is the third busiest location for bird/plane collisions also in the country. I guess that would keep the police busy, except Teterboro no longer has a Police Department. Police protection is on a contract basis from neighboring communities. 

The badge pictured above appears to be from 1930' - 40's. It is the traditional design  that is the target of my collection, and from an agency that no longer exists.  

A State Seal is stamped into the badge from the rear. There are two panels that read: Teterboro  and Police. In the number box is a "3".To the left and right of the seal are the letters "N" and "J".  I think Those letters make it official.

Official or not this is a nice badge that has found a home in my collection. I enjoy looking at it almost everyday and letting it bring back memories of the area. It is another keeper for sure.