Wednesday, June 20, 2018


This  Beauty is the Ninth badge    of the: TOP COP Collection.      It is  from   HobokenN.J.          

This item certainly brings back many memories for me. Maybe even you have some memories from Hoboken. After all it is a famous town, here in the USA. Its' roots can be traced back to Henry Hudson who anchored "The Half Moon" at its shoreline in the early 1600's. 

Some of you may argue that it is the home of  "professional" baseball. There is a monument at 11th,  and Washington Street, that marks the location of Elysian Fields where baseball traces its roots.

If you have an interest in music then Hoboken will be recognized as the home of Frank Sinatra.  As I understand it, his childhood home is gone, but there is a brass marker on the Monroe Street sidewalk marking "Old Blue Eyes' Home."  

As a kid I often rode the ferry from Hoboken's Waterfront to New York. Later in life I took the local train to the last stop - Hoboken. There a million people change trains and go into the Big Apple.

My daughter chose the train from Hoboken into the City. She even found her own apartment there (leaving me her lease car, and payments) and joined her gang traveling daily to Wall St for work. That changed on Sep. 11, 2011.

The day started out ok as she boarded the train in the morning. It only took a few minutes for the train to complete its course under the Hudson River. When she got off, she quickly learned that the train she arrived on was the last train coming into New York; and that she should look for, and board, the next train back to Hoboken. It was the last train allowed to leave New York.

Life for everyone changed that day, and there is no need to re-examine those issues again. They only add to the memories I feel when looking at this beautiful badge.

As you will observe, it is a traditional sunburst with an eagle on the top. Over the eagle are three stars, which let you know the original owner had rank.

In the center of this badge is a multi color State Seal. It is surrounded by a ring and a panel at the bottom. The lettering is gold over blue and it reads: "City of Hoboken Police, Chief of Detectives.

I am quite proud to own this item, and I try to enjoy the good things that surround 9/11 when I look at my display. There are a lot of people that I think of. My little girl is at the top of the list. She now lives in Manhattan. I keep this badge,  and my memories, in a nice spot in my Den where I frequently visit it on a daily basis.