Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Time to change gears again, so back to the "NJ Probation Collection" that I have been working on for a lifetime. I believe the collection has reached the optimal point with thirteen of twenty-one counties represented. Thank God I have a couple of rank sets included on the wall.

The item pictured above is a "Chief's" badge from the now defunct Mercer County Probation Department. It is the only one I have managed to find over the years, but it is a great find, and in great condition.

Mercer is a major county. It is on the Delaware River and scenic Pennsylvania. This is the area where General Washington rowed the boat a couple hundred years ago. There are historic tributes to him on both sides of the river.

The Barracks in Trenton are still in decent shape and offer history buffs something to see. They are located South of "The Crossing." They just may be included in the list of places Washington spent the night.

The City that developed here is Trenton. It eventually became the State Capital. That was a while ago - 1790 to be precise. The City also served for a brief period as our National Capital in the 1780's.

The Hughes Justice Complex is located in Trenton. It has a River view that is impressive. It is where the Supreme Court is located, and all of the Court's Administrative Offices. In 1994 the Court took over all judicial functions, including probation, from the county governments. With this occurrence the county departments became defunct agencies.

This badge is from the old Mercer County Probation Department. It has been obsolete for 16 years, and was perhaps used as long ago as 20 years. It is a sunburst design, with blue filled enamel in recessed letters with a multi color State Seal. It is a item this writer is proud to have in the collection.

Friday, May 7, 2010


This marvelous badge is from the Great City of Margate, N.J. It certainly isn't a major City by any means, in fact this writer never realized that the place by the Jersey shore was an entity of its' own.

Fact is Margate is one of the places around the Jersey shore that does have City status. It is a sleepy little place that was once part of Atlantic City.

It gained its' own identity in 1885 as South Atlantic City, but twelve years later became the City of Margate. This sprawling metropolitan area ranges about eight to 10 blocks long.

If one likes to do travel and research this is a great place to visit. You certainly will get a good idea where all those "monopoly names" came from. Remember "Marvin Gardens". It's right here in Margate.

The City is well know for architecture. This is a fact that I forgot. As a kid I was dragged here to see "Lucy the Elephant." She is actually a wooden structure that is some 65' tall. It was built of wood in 1882 by a man named Lafferty and used as a hotel. Today it is a landmark. Woodrow Wilson stood inside it once.

Because of "Lucy," and the need to protect 8000 residents, there is a strong Police presence in this community. The Elephant probably gives them little to worry about. Friends tell me that the guys do a great job keeping the City a safe place.

The badge came along way to the "City Collection." It is the traditional badge that has been used by so many NJ Departments over the years with the plated State Seal set over the number box showing "22."

For an antique this item is in fabulous condition. It is only out shinned by the memory of that Wooden Elephant named Lucy. I can't believe I never wanted to really take a good look at that site. For now I'll just let the badge remind me of it.