Tuesday, April 12, 2022



Now here is a neat piece of history, even if it isn't a badge. 

This is an "Official Warning Ticket" that was used by Officers of the  POLICE DIVISION of the (NEWARK)   DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC SAFETY. 

This "Warning" was authorized by John A Brady, who served as Assistant Supervisor of Public Safety. That means he was the N.P.D. Chief's boss.

It is estimated that this "Warning" dates back to 1950 +/-. This would be when Newark still had a Commissioner Type of Government. The Mayor-Council Type of Government came into being between 1967-75.

The item is in very good condition. It is 3.5" inches by 7.0 inches on printed on a heavy manila paper. The word "Warning" is centered so you can't miss it in bold (half inch) black letters. 

When I worked in the Essex County Probation Department I obtained a few pieces of  Newark paper on my windshield. I never saw the word Warning on any of those tickets, but then again I never saw the 'signs' that read "No Parking." Those things are just bad memories, but the document pictured above is a nice piece of History that I am pleased to have, along with other Newark items, in my collection, that I have written about in the past. They are good memories.