Tuesday, September 13, 2016


This is certainly a regular event for yours truly. I love the Show, but wish they could move Orlando closer to Naples.

Well after my ride up the Gulf Coast and then inland to Orlando the wife and I checked into the Rosen Plaza Hotel. These guys have been the regular hosts over the years, and they certainly are doing a good job for the exhibitors who took up Ballroom "B."

I took a couple tables and put out some of my Jersey Collection. I focus on Newark and tried to balance the display with a little of everything.

I had badges and patches, but that is what I always bring. I added some hardware, pictures and "paper items" that I have, for no other reason than, I like it. Take a peek at some of the better pictured items below. They include a "Stolen Car Report" from 1921,  a B>O>L>O> Card, with picture and finger prints, and an Electric Bill from 1896.

I also brought some unusual badges to put on display. Give a look at these non-police shields of authority. They are part of my "Unique Newark Items".  Back in the day if you messed around the "Inspector, Bureau of Streets," could grab your butt and turn you over to the "Foreman, Division of Sanitation" who in turn would drive you over to the "Plumbing Investigator" who would hose you down, before locking you up for the night in the care of the City "Stable Supervisor."

After making sure my items were arranged right, I left the wife in charge and told her, to have a good time and, only sell my Cleveland Lieutenant Uniform. Its pictured in here somewhere. You will have to hunt for it.  I went off to see some old friends and exhibitors.

Doug Sarubbi and his daughter were the hosts and Guardians of the Door. They checked my name off, as usual, and then sent me to my tables.

I stopped to chat with old friend  Chad from Jacksonville, and then onto Keith Bushey. There were more Collectors there and I gabbed as much as I could. While on the prowl, I met John Doran who is pictured below shaking hands with me. John is from Scotland. He was nice enough to allow a picture of his badge. It is marked "Semper Vigilo".

As I walked, I enjoyed all the exhibits and just talking about them, the history and that magnet that pulls us all together. It's special and I hope you all know what I am talking about.

Now take a look at some of the items I saw during my visit to the 2016 Orlando Police Collectors Show.


That Seal above, comes from a real important Office, in our good old USA. I understand that the current office holder was invited to view our Show, but had a prior date for golf,  and he would not be able to break away. That left Doug Sarubbi to call the names and make the presentations to this years winners. They are:

Best Badge Award went to Steve Srozinski for his eight table display of Jacksonville Police Department, Duval County Sheriff's Office and Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Florida badges

   Doug Sarubbi's photo.     Doug Sarubbi's photo.

                      Doug Sarubbi's photo.

Best Patch Award went to George Manosis for his display of US Customs, DEA, Border Patrol and Foreign patches.

Doug Sarubbi's photo.Doug Sarubbi's photo.



Best Overall Display went to Jeff Peeler for his awesome display of Florida Highway Patrol badges, patches, photos, cars, license plates and memorabilia

Doug Sarubbi's photo.

The lucky winner of the patch drop with about 35 cool patches was Paul Goldstein
Doug Sarubbi's photo.

This was a great show and we hope to see everyone again in 2017.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


I have been fortunate this year to be able to find some Marshal Badges that can go in my unique Jersey Marshal Collection. I started my focus on these Municipal Marshal Badges over the last couple of years.

These Badges issued in certain communities between 1880's and 1950's. They were the predecessor of the local police department.

The badge featured above is from the Borough of Rutherford, NJ. That is the home of Giant Stadium where Jimmy Hoffa was rumored to be buried. Other then that sad story Rutherford is a nice community located in northern N.J.

It is a "bedroom" community with a population of 18,000. Its a short ride over the (GWB) George Washington Bridge to upper Manhattan. When Mom and Dad are at work the Rutherford Police patrol the community and make sure all is well. They have their own, newer badges.

The item pictured above is an older badge from the time of the
Marshal. It is a beauty, and in excellent condition.

The badge is silver tone designed as a large circle covering the body of an Eagle. The birds head is very large at the top, while there is a tiny number panel covering the tail. This one has number "165" recessed with black fill. In the outer edge of the circle is the word "MARSHAL" over the name of the community "RUTHERFORD."

At the moment I have twenty-two municipalities represented in my "Municipal Marshal Collection." This badge has found a home. It resides in a nice display case covered with glass. It looks good on my wall and always brings some nice memories to enjoy on a daily basis.

Thursday, September 1, 2016


It was the law!  If you did drugs you had to register with the police. I don't know what they do today. Probably like fishing - Catch and Release !

Newark took this seriously back in the day. They almost put Kodak out of business due to all the film they used to take photos of all the fine upstanding people that filled their narcotic registry in 1950.

The card above shows six head shots (mug shot) of an individual with his name and gallery number. There also is a small folder to hold and protect the picture. This one was taken on July 18, 1952.

I have this original mug shot framed and ready to go to the Orlando Show to use as as one of my display items.