Friday, March 9, 2018


NJ Division of Criminal Justice is number 7 in my Top Cop Collection.

This isn't a big badge, like some of the police departments, but it is a representative of a Big Agency, with a high degree of authority. Rather then true blue street cops, this agency is made up with suits, ties and law books. The guy that gave it to me actually had a motorcycle too, but that was a long long time ago.

The "gift" was one of a couple donated to my collection. While I can't pinpoint the exact date, I do recall that it was given to me, between a couple of parked cars, in a cold light rain. I was ready to cry like a baby as this gift had a tremendous (personal) value. It had a way of warming my day for sure.

I recall one Christmas, that followed my receipt of this badge, where I walked a neatly wrapped gift box containing a brand new badge into my friends Chambers. I placed it squarely on the center of his desk, and left the building.

When I returned to my office there was a message waiting for me. While it contained a few choice street words it did translate into a "Very Happy Thank You," and a life lasting memory.

I have always had this badge under glass, somewhere on display, as part of my collection. It still looks new, and is impressive with its' Eagle sitting on top of a beautiful sunburst. 

The panels show that this badge was originally issued to an Assistant Director. It is now part of my newer display titled: Top CopsThe addition of this badge, and the memories attached to it, make my "Badge Collecting Hobby" well worth the fifty years I have invested in it. I cherish this item, and give it my habitual onceover of all the badges, and fond memories, that I have in my collections.