Things change quickly in this world. Before my departments assignments were implemented in 1967 the guy announced he was leaving immediately to become Chief Probation Officer in "beautiful" Camden County, NJ.
The years went by and I became involved with the annual officers conference. In 1982 I was working on the first multiple day convention. Also working on the Planning Committee was the Chief of Camden County. That was for several reasons. One of those reasons was that the convention was to be in Camden County at the Cherry Hill Inn.
I made it my business to let the Chief know I was now into badge collecting. I think I used every card I could play including crying and nagging with the hope of eventually getting a badge.
It took about a couple of years and, when he was ready to retire I finally got it. It was his badge, and it came right from his wallet. That became the first contribution from this county. I now have a few in my collection.
Camden Badges are the second grouping of badges, alphabetically displayed, in my State Probation Collection. Thirteen "Counties" are represented out of the twenty-one counties in N.J.
As the pictures show these fine items are finished in silver and gold tone, and have multi colored N.J. seals. They are in mighty fine condition, and I believe made in the 1970's.
In addition to the great appearance these badges have, there are also some fine memories associated with them.