Thursday, December 9, 2010


S is for Summit, the City on the Hill.

When I was a kid I occasionally took a bike ride to Summit. I rode on what is now Rt. 24 in an area that was Greenland's. Conservation wasn't a big deal back then and these open spaces became the Short Hills Mall, Hilton Hotel, and JFK Parkway.

In the mid 60's I had a job with the county highway department and
officially got to roam through the trees and little lakes belonging to the water company. It was a lot of fun. I forget what I was supposed to be doing there, but remember very well going into Chatham, and/or Summit for lunch. These communities border on each other.

Later in life (70's) I moved to
Chatham. Summit was at the bottom of my street. Often I went into this "City" to check things out. It was nice back then, and has remained a desirable community.

When I moved to Florida I received the Summit Badge as a
contribution to my collection from of all people - my Real Estate Agent. I guess he forgave me for placing handcuffs on his wife thirty plus years earlier. That's a story,, but it can't be told here.

The badge is no longer in use but it still look good. It is now in my "
City Collection." Today it sits on the bottom row out of five. It is one of twenty-seven N.J.City Badges that I have accumulated over the years. These badges are from twenty-0ne different locations.

The Summit Badge is a traditional design and simply reads:
Summit, Police, # 20. In the center is a very large N.J. State Seal. The badge is, as the picture reveals, in very good condition.

I have took this item to Florida eleven years ago to share my retirement, and many good memories from the City on the Hill.

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