Thursday, May 17, 2012


Along my way covering the Municipal Collection I managed "another find" that warrants a picture and description.

This recently acquired badge is from the "Trenton City Police." It is numbered 33 with add on numerals that may have changed a few times before this item went its' merry way to the collectors world.

This item is worn to the point you can hardly see the department name over the seal. It is the seal that tells you this is from Trenton.   Instead of a  N.J. State Seal they use their distinct City Seal. 
On the back of this item you can see that the pin at some point in time was replaced. It is held together in a "mound" of solder. It certainly does not look like the manufacturers work, so probably a  do it yourself repair job. The "C" catch also looks to have been replaced as it opens in the wrong direction. It too has excess solder holding in place.

This is the second badge of this design that I now have. My first, number 60, is in better condition. It is probably a little newer. I pictured it here as it helps to "see" the letters on number 33 as well as the City Seal.

This new badge will likely find a home in my (NJ) City Collections Display. I only wanted (a long, long time ago) the top ten cities.  In the quest for the "big ten" I have obtained  a representative from 24 cities. I like them. I have them under glass in a nice display case that hangs on my wall.

All the badges hanging  in my den give me a nice feeling every day when I look at them. Most of them tell a story or tweak a memory. Guess that is why I collect them.

1 comment:

  1. Badge 33 was last worn by Henry Hartmann, from 1910 until 1925, when a new style badge (the current TPD badge) was instituted. Hartman retired in 1950. There is a photo of Officer Hartman in the 1911 history of Trenton PD book (on Pg 73). Here is a link to the book. I'm going to post this twice in case posts with links are filtered. I believe I have more information on Hartman.
    I have no information about who wore badge 60.
