Sunday, September 23, 2012


On September 8th Collectors from all corners of the Country gathered at the Orlando Police Collectors Show in the Rosen Plaza Hotel. The show was sponsored by Doug Sarubbi.

I had a table to show of my City of Newark Collection, and my Major Jersey City's Collection. When I wasn't at the table I left my wife "in charge."  When I got back everything was still there. God I was glad she didn't sell it.

As I roamed the floor I found many treasures. One collector was offering the above gun. It was a thirty-two caliber revolver made by Colt. This was one that Teddy Roosevelt purchased for the New York City P.D. I thought it was a real nice piece and offered at a good price. I thought about it too long as it was sold by the end of the day.

The badge, number 220, from L.A. caught my eye too. It was a prototype that was never made in large numbers, and was not adopted as an official L.A. badge. Still It was a nice looking shield, and I would presume quite valuable. It sure looks great and could very well be the center piece of someones collection.

The "brown" badge is made of leather. It is from Chicago.  The owner explained that the precinct number (#3) was in the center.  This real old badge deserved, and received very special attention from its' owner. It was definitely a "Keeper."

I had my picture taken holding my Newark Display (one of many). In the background is a case holding "City Badges." The "Major Cities" are well covered in this group, along with a couple of minor communities with city status. These are my "Keepers."  Even my wife knows not to even think about selling them.

During my wandering around the convention floor I managed to purchase the "Hats" from Great Britain and Belgium. I also picked up a couple of badges of which this badge from Little Ferry, NJ will fit my "Marshall Badges."  I have a dozen badges in one case. All are old New Jersey Marshall's, a title used in the early 1900's. I'd like to grow this collection so I will always be looking for another "Jersey Marshal."

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