Tuesday, October 9, 2012


"M" is for the metropolis of Maplewood, NJ

This community is a Township so it is a proper fit in my Municipal Collection. In sequence this is the 20th distinct community to be included in the display. 

Maplewood was one of those communities I could walk to from my home in the Ivy Hill section of Newark. There are good memories here. They had nice parks, and some had baseball fields that our gang visited often. 

There was a great little park about fifteen minutes from my house. In a pick up game I recall hitting a baseball off the side of a park building in left field. What a shot !  A wicked line drive. I also remember that I only had one such hit like that one, but the thing is I do remember it.

I clearly remember two events, that I was directly involved in as a probation officer, that took place in Maplewood. The problem is,  I can't tell the tale. I will say a Giant of an NFL Linebacker should like me very much; and, in regards to a different event, the local guys in blue should also have a huge smile for me.
The badge pictured here is a very nice memory kicker.  It is simply marked with black recessed letters:  Patrolman, Police, Maplewood. The number is 23. The State Seal is plated with the same finish as the full shield, and it was made before the 1970's.  

This badge is definitely a piece of the collection that I am thrilled to possess. I am also very pleased that I can still recall the memories I have of this fine community.


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