Tuesday, May 7, 2013



This is the 33rd different community in my Municipal Collection - in alphabetical order. I assume  by now you knew that already.

It is from South Brunswick , NJ. The Community is a Township which surrounds New Brunswick (the City). 

This municipality apparently wants everyone to know who they are hence the word "South" got prime attention in the upper panel of  the badge. It is stamped in abbreviated form.  The word "Twp" is also present and stamped in abbreviated form. When it comes to the main name, "Brunswick,"  there is no room on the top panel to spelle it out.  It appears as "Bruns." Maybe this is why this item is obsolete.

Another thought for being so deliberate with the words "South" and "Twp"   is because there are four Brunswick's. One is New, and the others are just: North,  South and  East. The New  is the City, while the remaining three are towns or townships.

Even though I worked around this town I really know little about it. I understand the ancient Indians from Newark made some trails through here in the 1600-1700's. These trails are probably the main highways today. I do know that the Indians would be shocked if they saw all that traffic that is present today.

The bottom line here is this is a nice badge, and a good fit in my collection. It simply reads: South Bruns. TWP,  Police,  # 34. It is a keeper.

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