Tuesday, January 12, 2016


This is a great way to start a new year. I have assembled a display of eleven Newark Police Hat Badges. All of these vintage "Ovals" are in great shape.

Over the past (close to) 50 years I have been picking up one badge after another. The Newark items come to me, sadly, at a much slower pace. The Oval was not really a major target in the collection, but they are vintage and a nice addition to any Newark Collection.

I have used these badges as a corner piece surrounding some major pieces of the collection. I have now accumulated Eleven of these Ovals and decided to put them all together. The badge on the top is Oval # 2. Man I wish it was number one, but can't complain too much. It is a good catch, and definitely a keeper.

It is on display in a nice case under glass that hangs on my wall. There are two columns of four badges on each side. The numbers run from Oval # 93 to Oval #700. The picture below shows the complete collection.

Certainly if anyone wants to donate another one of these fine items to me, I'll be willing to start another identical display on my other wall. That would give balance !  At my age balance is important. 

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