Thursday, June 16, 2016


My, always helpful wife, thought it would be a good idea for me to consolidate my collection. She might have also said, " and throw out some stuff," but I didn't hear that clearly.

Well I took to the job. I did manage to find some garbage.  I consolidated it in the waste bucket. The wife was happy.

I also found this "Wanted Card." It did not get anywhere near that  waste bucket. Its' a piece of history dating to 1944. Finding this memory made me happy.

The gentlemen on the card, in the fine suit with tie, is Lloyd A Kingsberry. He also is know as Walter Brady, Albert Kingsberry or Lloyd King. It seems this fine gent is wanted regarding the 'sale of some oil stock'. At least that is what is noted.

The card is signed (stamped) Matthew J. Bolger, Chief of Police. I find that interesting, because Matty's brother John, was one of the bosses in the Probation Department when I started my employment in 1965.

Of serious note is the condition of this card. It is in excellent shape. The corners are sharp (no bends or folds). The finger prints are crisp and still usable (maybe).

The photo is rather good. It shows no damage from aging and gives insight into the whole process of alerting other jurisdictions on wanted individuals.

This will make a nice display item when placed in a proper frame and taken to the next show (oh the wife is going to be so happy). Actually I am quite pleased with this memory of years ago and will proudly show it off. I hope you all enjoyed looking at it here.

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