Thursday, November 22, 2018


This beautiful badge comes from the Borough of Magnolia, NJ. It is the Thirteenth (13) Badge, in alphabetical order, in what I have named, as my:  TOP COP COLLECTION.

To start with, like most of you, I never heard of this community. I had to look it up to learn some of the basics. It is in Camden County. It is less then one square mile. It has a population well under 5000. And yes, it was named for the "magnolia trees" that grow in this area.

Its' roots can be traced to 1685,  and 200+ years later it became incorporated as the Borough of Magnolia. 

My research reveals that there was/is a Police Dept. When I purchased this item the seller believed that the police agency was Defunct.

I thought, that as Camden County goes, being generally poor with budget cutbacks  eliminating some of their police agencies, that I better locate this Badges' Home. Well, as I thought, there was a MAGNOLIA POLICE DEPT.

The Badge pictured above belonged to a former CHIEF of the Department. Sadly, I was told, He passed away, and his Badge entered the Collectors World.

Lets take a look at this fine specimen. It is quite unique. I have never seen this shape, with its' cut outs, and fine engraving. Look at the panels. they are Black with Gold lettering. At center point is a modest N.J. State Seal.

Today I have it, with other "Chief Badges," in my Top Cop Collection. It is under glass, and in a nice oak case, with double locks that definitely work very well. I ALSO pay my Burglar Alarm  Bill, when it arrives, so I am sure this Beautiful Badge is very safe.

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