Thursday, June 4, 2020


The piece below is a reprint from a couple years ago. I am posting it again as it seems appropriate with all the riots and acts of destruction in our country the last few days. It seems to fit with what is needed as Our Society deals with unacceptable Radical Behavior. Enjoy the read. 

In the old days if a gang was causing trouble a few cops on horseback dispersed the gang. They ran in all different directions, and the Cops would stop - CASE CLOSED.

Twenty-five years later if there is a gang causing trouble at the usual corner, police cars were sent. The Boys were taken downtown for a shower, a meal, had their picture taken and released - THAT USUALLY MEANT CASE CLOSED.

Twenty-five Days ago, "Anywhere USA", the Boys are back at it. Hold on, not so quick. They're not Boys anymore. Next did you   see that someone in City Hall actually gave them  a permit. The permit says this is their corner up to 11:00 PM. 

However "That Permit" does not give the Gang the right to be belligerent trouble seekers. If they go to far, the Police can be called. The Permit does not authorize Homicide, Arson or just simple Rioting. Those that have "The Permit" need to understand that it is a "privilege", and that there are rules (some of us refer to them as "LAWS) that must be obeyed.

When the Crowd, with the permit, goes to far with their "demonstration," it's time for the "Boys in Blue" to respond. 
When appropriate the Police can apply force to those that don't know how to act like human beings.  

It is sad when this becomes a bad scene. This is because our 'Young Urban Permit Holders' can't read the rules, and if they could, simply wouldn't care. Yeah, plenty of potential for some real harm in these situations, except someone, with brains,  gave the order to DISPERSE THE CROWD.  


N.P.D.  1919


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