Monday, November 2, 2020


During 2020, while locked in my home on the lookout for Civid-19 germs, I saw that there was a Riot, with looting and arson. It was in some place here in the USA. I thought at first,  I  time travelled  back to Newark in 1967. But I found out I was wrong. 

The Story was from Minneapolis. This time the spark was a man named George Floyd. He was under arrest, and died on the ground with a police officer kneeling on his neck for 8-9 minutes. The video of this tragic death caused rioting in the streets. Strange but some of the rioters seemed very well prepared, and a number were from out of State.

In the days that followed there were multiple arsons,  looting and destruction. Posts, Signs and the Media cried out to essentially hang the officers involved. No thorough investigation, indictment, or trial - just hang the officers immediately. After all the Mob knows what is right or wrong.

In Newark, fifty-three years earlier, "a rumor" that police killed a Taxi Driver, John Smith, following his arrest,  caused a crowd to gather at the West District Station expressing their outage over a false report of a police killing. 

The Newark riot also lasted several days and involved killings, robberies, and arsons. A little boy, age 12, was reported by LIFE MAGAZINE, with a cover photo, showing him also as a victim of the police. That too, was grossly misleading and wrong. Yet it made national news at the time.

The aftermath of the riots back in 67 and 68, as well as last summer, are giving me whiplash from shaking my head. I thought back in 67 that the politicians were out of their minds by saying they would eliminate "riots" by just changing the name to "civil disturbance." Absolutely Brilliant !  

In Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and God Knows Where, the abdication of politicians to just do their job, and allow the police to do their job is mind boggling. They are immune to the day to day problems that an officer faces on a regular basis. Today current politicians are using the "words "Defund The Police. This is insane.

Fortunately there is a remedy. Check your calendar and you will see tomorrow is Election Day. Get out and VOTE.

In case you are looking for some insight of what an officer communicates with his base during a Riot, you can read the description of actual police calls from the Newark Riot in 1967. Try to see yourself in the role of the person making these radio calls. Not much has changed over the last 53 years.  



JULY 13, 1967  


9:34 p Store being looted at West Kinney and Livingston. This information received via radio transmission

9:42p Radio transmission advises store at 180 Spruce (liquor store) being looted

9:46p Radio transmission windows being broken at Thomas and Broad.

9:52p Radio transmission looting at Morris and 15th Ave (Tavern)

9:55p Radio transmission Molotov cocktail being used at Springfield and Bergen

10:00p Radio transmission store being looted at Springfield and Hunterdon

10:02p Radio transmission furniture store going up at Springfield and Morris

11:50p Radio transmission Officer injured

11:51p Radio transmission Hold up and robbery at J & B Avon

11:55 Mayor appraised

July 14, 1967

12:16a Radio transmission Chief …to protect men in field..that is to use firearms if necessary

12:31a Radio transmission request help at Springfield and 6th

12:48a Radio transmission women shot at Springfield and Plum

3:45a Radio transmission car 45A has man shot and four prisoners. Man was shot by police officer

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