Monday, January 18, 2021



By  Dennis Beyer

You may recall every year, in January, I would do a post, on my blog,  with a plea for someone to help me, find the ultimate Newark Badge, to add to my collection. 

I have been collecting over fifty years. How many years over fifty is not important. What is important, is that after collecting anything from anywhere, I finally had to downsize. That shift put my focus strictly on anything from New Jersey, especially NEWARK.

I grew up in the City, as did my wife. We graduated the same school - "West Side H.S."  My Dad was a Detective there, and retired, only after a Thirty-Seven year career. He gave me my first few badges fifty years ago, and that sorta got my full collection on its' way. 

As I looked for Newark's "Star," I was able to acquire some beautiful, and rare, badges from the N.P.D.  I got them, but "No Star."  I tried hard, but to no avail. I looked at shows, I sent letters to other collectors, and I searched on- line auctions, including Ebay. No Luck.

Finally, with 50 years invested in the hobby, I had a conversation with Mike Bondarenko (Publisher of PC News). I asked Mike to contact a Collector, who  like me, writes for the Paper.  Mike was my advocate and did a hell of a job. It took a while, but eventually an arrangement was made for me to purchase the above Newark Star

The seller and I agreed that terms of the deal would be private; However It is safe to say, "There were two happy people in the Hobby the day of the sale!" So let me be clear, I have a Newark Star.

My Quest, to obtain The Star, has also given me the finest of memories, and those memories are an important part of my Collection.

Pictured below are a few rare Newark Badges that I have had for some time. As of now, they sit as the foundation for the Badge I treasure most.









(These two badges date back to circa 1860. They were the next Edition, after the Star. Both are in good condition. They  show a nice view of the City Seal and number panel with #52 and #1640 respectfully.)

Pictured below are two "sets" of Newark Radiator Badges that preceded the current edition. They were in use circa 1900. 

(The "set" marked #C93 is a very rare piece. It is a "Chanceman' Badge" or probationary officer in today's jargon.)

This is the heart of my hobby. All of these badges are the "Stars" of my collection, but with out a doubt, the Eight Pointed Newark Star, at the top of this post is the ultimate prize.



Monday, January 4, 2021




DATE: Saturday January 30, 2021

LOCATION: North Brevard Senior Center, 909 Lane Ave., Titusville, FL

TIME: 9:00 AM Doors Open

HOSTED BY:  Hartfield Volunteer Fire Department


TABLE COST: Collectors & Traders: $25, 

ADMISSION COST: Free (donations appreciated)

INFORMATION: This is your opportunity to buy-sell or trade law enforcement patches and badges, as well as other Police or Fire memorabilia. Seventy (70) tables are available for $25 each before December 31. After that tables will be $30. Early reservations are recommended because tables are offered on a “first come” basis. Each year the show is a sellout. Please send payment with your reservation. Set-up begins at 8am and the show will run from 9am until 3pm. There is a spirited display contest and awards are presented for the best displays. Reproductions must be marked.  The Senior Center will offer lunch, and there are numerous fast food restaurants. The hotel for the show is the Holiday Inn Titusville/Kennedy Space Center 4715 Helen Hauser Blvd. the rate is $115.00 (plus tax), this rate will be valid January 24-26, 2020 and the cutoff date is January 3, 2020. The phone number is (321) 383-0200 and ask for the Space Coast Patch Show. The hotel includes a hot/cold breakfast. Early reservations are recommended as there is another event in Titusville at the same time.  Titusville is close to Kennedy Space Center and other central Florida attractions. The Police Hall of Fame, which moved from Miami to Titusville, is now open and is a well-done attraction promoting Law Enforcement and has some fabulous patches and other memorabilia on display.  Make table reservations by calling: 321-302-1983 (cell) or e-mail @ your reservations by mailing table fee to Steve Bridges, 1535 Justin Court, Titusville, FL 32796.


Friday, January 1, 2021


HAPPY  2021


2021 is here. Best wishes to all.

I trust this will be a good and a healthy year for those of us in the hobby. I have in the past enjoyed going to the various shows in S.E., USA, and hope to do so again. Health is the key, and it is becoming a challenge.

 Our Cataracts have been addressed and road tested, so we are ready. Thank God we had Health Insurance. The wife and I will still be changing who rides "Shotgun"as we travel safely, through the swamp, to get to the Titusville Show in a few days.
I hope this is a better year than last. Health and Death literally were to close to home. We hope that you had a better 2020 and an even better 2021