Monday, January 18, 2021



By  Dennis Beyer

You may recall every year, in January, I would do a post, on my blog,  with a plea for someone to help me, find the ultimate Newark Badge, to add to my collection. 

I have been collecting over fifty years. How many years over fifty is not important. What is important, is that after collecting anything from anywhere, I finally had to downsize. That shift put my focus strictly on anything from New Jersey, especially NEWARK.

I grew up in the City, as did my wife. We graduated the same school - "West Side H.S."  My Dad was a Detective there, and retired, only after a Thirty-Seven year career. He gave me my first few badges fifty years ago, and that sorta got my full collection on its' way. 

As I looked for Newark's "Star," I was able to acquire some beautiful, and rare, badges from the N.P.D.  I got them, but "No Star."  I tried hard, but to no avail. I looked at shows, I sent letters to other collectors, and I searched on- line auctions, including Ebay. No Luck.

Finally, with 50 years invested in the hobby, I had a conversation with Mike Bondarenko (Publisher of PC News). I asked Mike to contact a Collector, who  like me, writes for the Paper.  Mike was my advocate and did a hell of a job. It took a while, but eventually an arrangement was made for me to purchase the above Newark Star

The seller and I agreed that terms of the deal would be private; However It is safe to say, "There were two happy people in the Hobby the day of the sale!" So let me be clear, I have a Newark Star.

My Quest, to obtain The Star, has also given me the finest of memories, and those memories are an important part of my Collection.

Pictured below are a few rare Newark Badges that I have had for some time. As of now, they sit as the foundation for the Badge I treasure most.









(These two badges date back to circa 1860. They were the next Edition, after the Star. Both are in good condition. They  show a nice view of the City Seal and number panel with #52 and #1640 respectfully.)

Pictured below are two "sets" of Newark Radiator Badges that preceded the current edition. They were in use circa 1900. 

(The "set" marked #C93 is a very rare piece. It is a "Chanceman' Badge" or probationary officer in today's jargon.)

This is the heart of my hobby. All of these badges are the "Stars" of my collection, but with out a doubt, the Eight Pointed Newark Star, at the top of this post is the ultimate prize.



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