Wednesday, August 18, 2021



(This is a re-post of an article published several years ago. Enjoy it again.)


Wow, if the last picture I posted, with those single headlights mounted on the fender looked old, check this one out. There doesn't seem to be any headlights.

This is supposedly from 1911 (plus or minus). It is of a vehicle that was used by the NEWARK BOMB SQUAD.  You would think they would want to see the road, and a its pot holes. One little "bump" could make one huge "boom."

What was surprising to me when I obtained this photo was that the City of Newark would actually dedicate funds to purchase a vehicle for this purpose.

I have since looked for "bombings or explosions" in Newark's History. I was able to find an article that reported a huge explosion of unknown origin in 1880. The location was the Celluloid Manufacturing Co. located on Ferry St. The blast killed three instantly, destroyed an entire brick building, and burned two additional men so bad, that their recovery was impossible. 

I am sure there were other incidents before and after this major explosion. Thus the need for officers and a vehicle designed to handle explosive situations is well documented. 

A friend of mine was once assigned to the "Bomb Squad," and he told me their motto was: "If you see me running, try to keep up!" That gives you an idea of how dangerous this job is. 

Hope you enjoyed looking at the photo.


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