Sunday, September 11, 2022



September 11. Today is a day to Remember. I sure do. I had moved to Florida, and was still in bed, when a neighbor called. He said "Turn on the TV, They finally did it. I watched in a state of shock as the World Trade Center collapsed before my eyes. I continued to watch in horror for days.

Following the loss of the twin towers my daughter sent us the above picture. She was on the last train into Wall Street. Fortunately She was on the last train to leave that area. She thought it would be something I would want like to have. I certainly do appreciate it, but we all know it's not something I am happy to have.

The picture was taken from Jersey City or that area across from the Big Apple. Over the course of a lifetime I have been blessed with memories far better then those associated with 9-11. I only have to look at my many displays from the Garden State.

There are two nice badges from "J.C." hanging on my wall. If you are not from New Jersey, you probably think this "town' is the State Capital. It is not, but it does play a huge role in elections. It has been said, that more than double the population comes out to cast their ballots every Election Day. 

The City is on the Hudson River.  I remember the "Circle Line" and the trip around Manhattan. I remember the old Madison Square Garden, Times Square, New Years Eve, Forty-Second Street, and on and on. The best view of the Manhattan Skyline is across the Hudson River, from Jersey City, N.J. Today the "Freedom Tower" is what people stare at from the Jersey side of the River. 

Searching through the cobwebs in my mind, I remember some moments that, at the time didn't seem like much. Elvis came to Jersey City, and had a problem with "The Establishment." The spokesman for the local guys in blue was Police Commissioner Lawrence Whipple. He probably never liked "The King," but did "OK" in law enforcement circles, ultimately becoming a Federal Judge. 

In sports Jersey City was the location where The Dodgers, displayed their 1955 World Championship Flag over Roosevelt Stadium in Jersey City. Pee Wee Reese scored the 1200Th run of his career here. That was 1956. The "Bums" also played here in 1957. Today my Dodgers have long since moved West.  

The above badges remind me of all the  fine memories I have floating around my head. Pictured above the First Badge shines like the sun in gold tone. It has a typical NJ multi color seal in the center. The letters of gold, lay in a blue field that states: "Jersey City Police - Sergeant." It is believed to be authentic and has been in my hands a good forty years. 

The Second Badge is an old "traditional" Badge that is simply stamped "Jersey City Police -97." This one I have had over thirty years. It is in excellent condition, and estimated to be 75 years old or more. 

Both of these treasures are under glass in my Den. They are a constant reminder of memories I shall not forget, especially the one made in the morning of September 11, 2001.

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