Sunday, March 9, 2025


This is a very nice badge with a very interesting name: WEST NEW YORK, NJ. It is numbered 1026 and is hallmarked.

It is in very good condition. There is a pin and working clasp on solid rear of item.

I listed at $65 on the following auction site: "". Check it out!

Monday, March 3, 2025

 I recently found this old picture in a forgotten folder and thought I would share it here. Note the Seal on the door of this Vintage Newark Police Car. That is how the Cars with radio Communication were marked. Eventually they all had a marking like this and had a shoulder patch similar to the one posted here. It was marked, like the decal on the car door, "Newark Radio Police." If anyone has one for sale send me a note. I would like to add one to my Newark Collection.

Friday, February 14, 2025



To a lot of people this Town is just a sleepy dot on the map. In reality Somerville is far more then a dot on a map. It serves as the County Seat of Somerset County, N.J.  That's where the Court House is located.  It was there where the "Trial of The  Century" took place - in 1926.

The incident that started this little walk through history took place in Somerset (Franklin Twp.) N.J. It was on September 16, 1922 when the bodies of Rev. Edward Hall, and Choir Singer, Eleanor Mills were found. They were lovers. They had been shot, him once, her three times.

Police from New Brunswick, N.J. (Middlesex Co) were first to respond, only to find they were out of there jurisdiction. Franklin Twp. Police picked up the Case. They found the area around the bodies trampled by the curious. Evidence was removed by those looking for a souvenir. 

The Media took control of the case selling news all across the country.  Looking back, "The case struck a chord, " stated Thomas Miller, Judge Superior Court in an October 2014 article in "My Central Jersey." Miller' s Office  maintains an Exhibit, holding artifacts from the Murder Case, that made Somerville,
"...the Center of the Universe," back in 1926. 

After Two Investigations three people went to Trial at the County Courthouse in Somerville. A fourth was to be tried separately, while  the wife was never indicted.  On November 3, 1926 the trial began. It ended thirty days later after three Jury Votes,  10-2, 11-1,  and then with all 12 in agreement - Not Guilty

Following the trial Somerville returned to its  sleepy  nature. Decades passed before someone wore the badge featured in this Post. I estimate it to be 1960 vintage.  When I look at it, it reminds me of some important History that I missed during my career. But owning it has given me a second chance to dig up some old historical facts. Maybe those of us present day Detectives could look for the murderer, as the Case is still open.

The Badge, as pictured, has a Gold-Silver, Wreathed Oval shape. At the top is an Eagle Head, with just below a multi color State Seal. This type of seal came into use in the early 1960's, making the Badge 60 years of age.

The silver-tone panels on this badge, are recessed with black enamel fill.  They read: CHIEF,  SOMERVILLE,  POLICE, N.J.  It  reminds me of an important piece of Jersey my NJ History.

(Thank you for allowing me to share the pictured Badge with the help of a little New Jersey history.)


Saturday, February 1, 2025


The Names below were "CREATED by a SCAMMER !!!"   Beware of them.  Be Sure that the person you are dealing with Is a Real Person, and a Legitimate Dealer.

Please Report any errors observed here so an appropriate correction can be made. 

This begins: Vol. 2, for the year 2025, starting at cumulative number 21.  

Updated on:  Feb 18, 2025

 LAST NAME         FIRST             REASON 

Sunday, January 12, 2025


By: Dennis Beyer

The Emergency Bureau was a major part of Newark Police's special responses. In my Collection of Newark Memorabilia I have quite a few pictures (some originals) relating to this unit. The Trucks below are of the vehicles used by the EB. 

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The Men below were Newark Police Captains. They were assigned as Commanders of the Emergency Bureau dating back to the 1935. I believe I have them in the correct order, but any corrections are welcome.

Captain Frank O'NEILL, above,  is believed to be the first Commander of the EOB. He was on the job for 6 years starting in 1935 to 1941. Note the style of his Badge. It was worn by Captains in this time frame.

If you would like to move that magnifying glass around take a close look at the Hat Badge worn in this picture. Did Captain O'Neil borrow the "CHIEF'S" Hat, as it is not marked "Captain, for this picture." 

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The above is Captain Peter Corbally who was Commanding Officer of the Emergency Bureau from 1941 to 1946. Note that he is also wearing an older style Captain's Badge. You may also observe the partial view of his "Radio NPD" patch. Both have been replaced.

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This is  Captain Hugh O'Gorman. He served from 1946 - 1947.

On his Uniform I have made three observations. First is the same Badge style as in earlier pictures. Second is the apparent "Eagle Pin" on the shoulder as opposed to Captain's Bars.  Last the shoulder Patch has the word Newark at the top.  Only the letters "N & E" visible, but this is a change in Patches.

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This Captain is Charles Byrne. He was  in charge between the years 1947 and  1956. The style of Badge appears to have changed from his predecessor, but it too has been replaced.

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This is Captain Dominick Spina. He served during the year 1958. His Badge Style appears to be the same as Byrne's. 

Spina was either not allowed to borrow the Chief's Hat for his picture,  or maybe He was just showing off a good head of hair. Whatever the reason He is the only Captain pictured here without a hat.

Later in his career He became the Police Director, and also survived an assassination attempt during a colorful career.

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Unfortunately I do not have the identification on the Man pictured below however his picture was included with other EB Captains. Note that this is the first appearance of the current Newark Captain Badge. It is identical to that of NYPD and frequently seen on TV. Maybe this is why this Captain has a huge smile on  his face

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This is Captain John Notte. He served as the EB Commanding Officer from 1962 to 1968.

It is not known if he was the "last" Commander of the EB, however this is the last of the pictures that I have of Commanding Officers.

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The following pictures are also related to the Emergency Bureau of the Newark Police Department. They are presented for your enjoyment and with the hope that a memory may be rekindled.

A Motorcycle Unit pictured below is seen entering the street from the EB Station in Downtown Newark.


The "Gentlemen" to the right are Officers assigned to the Emergency Bureau. They are in the "work clothes" ready to avoid water or some hazardous material.

With the invention of the motor vehicle came the occasion of daily accidents. This was a turn over, where the automobile came to rest on its roof. Spectators, and a Police Officer, stand behind the auto in picture below.


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This last picture is of a "Command Citation." It was signed by Capt. Rocco Ferrante,  who was C.O. of the EB in 1975. This citation was issued to a friend and fellow Collector of Newark Police Memorabilia, Frank Donaghy.

It is hoped that you enjoyed this post and the photos of the Men of the Newark Police Emergency Bureau.

* * * * * 


I have had this Beautiful Badge buried away for years. It has resurfaced as I go through items I want to move on as they no longer are a fit in my downsized collection.

I estimate it to be from 1940's.

Pictures show quality finish and rear shows a working pin/clasp. 

No Hallmark.

PM if interested. Send offer by Jan 30, 2025.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


The Names below were "CREATED by a SCAMMER !!!"  Be aware of them.  Be Sure that the person you are dealing with IS a Real Person, and a Legitimate Dealer.

Please Report any errors observed here so an appropriate correction can be made. This List, VOL. 1, updated on:  Jan 31, 2025

 LAST NAME         FIRST             REASON

1ANTHONYCollinsReported as a Non-Payor
BRIGGSBellaReported to use Aliases
CARSONDavidPictures appear copied
CREVINEFredPictures appear copied
DOUGLASCARLAPossible ID theft & Profile
FALCONECherylHas profile Issues
FRECCKarenUses Alias J Robinson
GEMMALowenthalPictures appear copied
10GRUNDSTROMBrentHas profile Issues
HERDERICHJeremiahImpersonating Chief
LAIDLAWJackPictures appear copied
LITTELLRichardPictures appear copied
MILLERAUXNathanPictures appear copied
PEACOCKRodneyPictures appear copied
ROSIVAKHolly JPictures appear copied
SOUSAAliceHas profile Issues
SPEKTORDanielReported as a Non-Payor
SPRECKLEYAndrewMass Invites to Join Gp
20UNDOPJohnPictures appear copied