"M" IS FOR MORRIS in my collection of defunct County Probation Department badges.
I lived in this County for almost thirty years. Initially it was just far enough from beautiful Newark to feel safe, and yet close enough to drive, down Highway 24, to where the job was actually located - 32 Johnson Ave. Neweark, N.J.
I doubt that office still exists. I don't plan to visit it on my next trip as I remember enough about it going back to the "Riots of 67." It was already an old two story building located in what was a fairly nice area on the South Side. Just up the street was South Side H.S. The name was changed to Maclcom X. Shabazz H.S. That took place back in those fun days of knocking on doors, and praying your car starts. It was fun to be a probation officer.
Morris County became my home in the early 70's. When I went home it was really a retreat. I lived in a place called Chatham. It was only 14 miles West of the office, but in a different time zone for sure.
Homes in this County were lived in. Street corners had signs letting you know where you were. The grass was for landscape purposes. This could be a great place to work, but that never happened.
While my career kept me for the most part in beautiful Newark I did have the pleasure of making several professional acquaintances in the MCPD. I often found a means to get to their County seat either for a meeting, court appearance, or a lunch near the Town Square.
Through these friends, and really years of begging, I finally got a donation to my collection. This was an amazing multiple item contribution that I exchanged for a good deal of work. I look at them and know I earned them.
As the pictures show these items are in great condition. They each have a multi color State Seal at center. Each one is gold tone, and represents a Title in the Department: Investigator, Senior Investigator, Officer, Senior Officer, Principal Officer, and Assistant Chief.
I am missing only one title to make this a true rank set. Nonetheless I have been very appreciative of each of these beauties, and the fine memory of obtaining them a couple of decades ago.
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