Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Doug Sarrubi, and his "Partner " John Holmes, have once again staged another successful "Badge and Patch" Show. The Orlando Show was held at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, located in the heart of Florida's number one Vacation Location. That's Doug and John guard Ballroom B.

This year my Grandson, Cameron accompanied me. I told him it would be fun, and we would go to the Space Museum after the show. The truth is I needed help beyond the Bionic Improvements that let me move. Cam's primary job was to walk the floor and sell this fine Cleveland Police Coat. That's us below with the fine coat that, sad to say "I Still Own."

We had a few tables set up for my Exhibit. The wife, Lois,  and I placed our displays against the Starboard Wall of The Ballroom. I felt like I was in the Movie Business, being a Producer and Director. Can you hear me softly saying: "Put that over on the first table,  move those floor panels, be careful with that display case!." When we were finished, Cecil B. DeMille gave us a nice thumbs up. 

For the first time I  displayed a huge show case of those popular old badges that every Police Force used at one time or another. In this case I have 60 badges of every thing but Newark. A lot of the guys liked it which certainly made me happy. Next to it is a display of the Top Ten Cities (by population). Take a look below.

There were about 100 people showing and selling items at the various tables this year. That's a fabulous turn out. As usual I took my camera and snapped some pictures of those displays that caught my eye.

Just a few tables away from my exhibit was my old friend Chad Harris of Jacksonville PD. This year he had an awesome collection of items from the Jacksonville Sheriff, as well a New Orleans Display he created "for my wife."  He added some military memorabilia to insure his claim to be the Winner of BEST BADGE DISPLAY at this years Show. Here is our proud young Man - Chad Harris, with his wife and our Show Sponsors.

As I strolled around the crowded floor, leaving my display in the trusty hands of my wife Lois, and the Kid, I saw some wonderful items that I just had to take a picture of for memory sake. Here are a couple that "I just happened to like". I hope you guys enjoy these pictures.

The man pictured above should look familiar. It's Dick Tracy the famous Detective from decades ago. He sure looks good !  I let his nose point me in the direction of another great Display.

Pete Reid is of Bushnell FL. He is a long time attendee of this Show. This year he wowed everyone with big displays from: Maine, New Jersey; and the Illinois State Police. I was impressed with the NJ Sheriff's Badges. Pete's display was so great it won him the honor of being the winner of "THE BEST PATCH" display. Below is the picture of winner Mr Peter Reid. Holmes and Sarubbi are right there too.


I walked further through the displays and saw what looked like the wall of an Antique Store. It had everything that was old, that was hard to find, and that was just plain treasure.

The man that owned this massive display was Jeff Peeler of St Cloud, FL. He has a primary interest in Florida Highway Patrol. As a Major he might have good connections with this agency. Bottom Line Major Peeler is the Winner of the "BEST OVERALL DISPLAY." He was hard to find for a picture, but my friends in the Blue shirts caught him. Take a peek below.

This years Show, as in the past held a Patch Drop for interested collectors. The Winner, who received 40 patches, was Robert Popik from Lakeland Fl.  Unfortunately Bob was not available when I took the pictures of the Winners.

Well your writer left the Show and headed back to home (With one diversion) in Naples Fl. to check on a girl named Irma. Fortunately she was nice enough to spare my home, my collection, and my wishes to see everyone next year.

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