Tuesday, September 12, 2017



BERLIN is the third badge in my "TOP COP COLLECTION."

This has been in my possession for over 30 years, but off the radar as a collectible until now. With the creation of my "Top Cop display this Berlin Borough Public Safety Director finally has a place to be displayed.

The history of this Borough dates back to Pre-Revolutionary times. It was situated on New Jerseys West Side, between Camden and Philadelphia. Those cities were the population locations then and now. Today there are roughly 7500 people in this community, which officially became a borough in 1927.

A good deal of this community is rural, wooded, and wet lands. The residential section has mainly Victorian homes that have been restored, or just well kept. Looks like a nice place. A bit too far for me to have any memories. Maybe I'll ask Kelly Ripa who once upon a time lived here.

Now to the Badge. Not a common shape for NJ badges. There is an Eagle on top with its' wings spread looking down on a wreath that trims a big circle. Inside is a large ring, and two panels,  The State Seal is at center point and dates back to the 1930's.

Looking first at the Seal, one will see this is a blue ringed seal. It gives one an idea of the age of this badge. It was probably applied to the badge between 1930 and 1960. A close look reveals that it is in excellent condition.           

Next look at the panels. The top reads Deputy Director, and the bottom reads NJ. Last the ring. It reads: Public Safety; Berlin Borough.

As noted above I have found a nice place for this badge in my new "TOP COP Display. I get a peek at it every day hanging proudly, under glass, on the wall facing my desk. I'm Proud to have them all.  

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