Monday, December 28, 2015


Another year has come, and gone. It's time to give a moment or two to remember friends and famly who have passed on. The above picture is of the "opening" of the N.P.D. Police Academy on 18th Ave. in Newark. It too has gone its way. It still holds many memories, so I thought I would share it here.

My first post remembering was in regard to the loss of a friend who was retired from Newark. Frank Donaghy was a badge collector too. He helped me with my collection, and other collectors as well.

Frank's grand-daughter drew the picture below. It makes a very nice memory. 

A couple of months ago I displayed a "Command Citation" awarded Frank for disarming a terrorist bomb attributed to the Puerto Rican Group known as "FALN." They made the newspapers along the Washington DC- Boston corridor way back in the 1970's. They just weren't called "Terrorists" back then, but they certainly do qualify. Frank told me the story of how He disarmed the pipe bomb. Glad he didn't run.

While I remember Frank, and my Dad, Herman Beyer, Det. NPD, I know there are many more names to note here. 2015 was a very bad year for those who carry a badge. I can only ask for a prayer and offer thanks.

Friday, December 25, 2015


I've been doing this "Blog Thing" for eight years now. I do it mostly for myself. I find it a neat way to chronicle the badges I have collected and put them into some sort of context.

As I look at each badge I found that they generated a memory for me. That turns out to be the greatest reason to continue. Some of these memories I share with PC News. You might want to check that paper out and perhaps my column: ""Collecting Memories."

I have also found that there are quite a few collectors out there that check this site on a regular basis. I can't tell you how good I feel when someone writes back to ask a question or two. Some even answer one of my questions.

One of the better calls I received was from some Sheriff in Oklahoma asking for some help identifying an old badge that was found in his County. Sure enough I recognized it in a nano-second. He was thrilled. He kept his badge, but sent me a patch. That's a good deal, and now it is a good memory.

Anyway, one of you recently wrote and, under no duress, acknowledged that he read and enjoyed this blog. Ken Toler, a fellow collector,  also shared his website, which you might find interesting. In turn I share it with you. The address and link are below.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


At the tick of the clock we bring in another year. From here we wish all a great, and safe 2016
