Tuesday, April 29, 2008


What's so interesting about a "Watchman" Badge?   I wasn't impressed initially until I did some research on the NPD.

History reveals, and this may be hard to believe, but there was crime in Newark during the evening hours. The citizens needed protection, and  The City Government responded. They hired "Watchmen" circa 1840. During their evening tours of duty Newark's citizen slept in peace. In 1842 they were ordered Blue Uniforms and a star shaped badge. I wish I had one of those early (Newark Star) shields.

In 1847 the Patrolmen and Watchmen were merged into the Newark Police Department. The "Watchmen" title faded away; but 150 years later their are traces of their history.

The "Watchmen" badge pictured above just might be part of the insignia worn by these early Newark lawmen. The badge is hallmarked "Hoag & Co" which was an old Newark manufacturer of badges. It also may have been used in private security.

This item didn't cost much, so I won't go broke for having purchased it. On a positive note it caused me to learn something of the Watchman's history. Perhaps, in another world, the Newark Watchmen are still on patrol. I hope so.

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